„in fact we didn’t meet in person…“ – der Portugiese Francisco Vaudeville über seine Freundschaft zu Oliver Heuer

Tribute in düsteren Klängen

Der Portugiese Francisco Vaudeville pflegte über Jahrzehnte eine tiefe Freundschaft zu Oliver Heuer. Schon deshalb hat er mit Freunden die Tribute CD „Out of Sight“ zusammengestellt. Hier schildert er seine Begegnung mit einem, den er als „awesome musician“ und „wonderful poet“ schätzte.

here it goes… in fact we didn’t meet in person… we were a kind of pen pals during the 90’s (recently by email)… it all started because I loved SW music… I’ve heard their first cd „these monologues“ and since then I followed all their work… unfortunately I didn’t see them live… I live in Portugal so the travels were not so cheap those days – at least for me…

when internet came I did a SW web page with all the info I had… discography photos lyrics… however this web page was deleted some time ago because it was attached in a server that was closed…

around 2015 I’ve asked him to do some vocals to a song from my band NU:N… we had an unfinished instrumental song… we really didn’t knew what to do with it and I remembered that Oliver would be someone that could finish it… so I send him the demo and asked to sing it and do the lyrics… the song returned to us titled as „remember me“ and we liked a lot… it was amazing… he catched the feeling… add vocals with his own lyrics and some guitar ebow… he was an awesome musician… a wonderful poet too… his music and poetry was and always will be part of my life…

about the bands… well.. all of them are from the dark side of music… you can call it goth rock, dark wave, metal, post punk… whatever… Oliver wouldn’t care about it for sure as long as they play good music and if they could touch us somehow… and in fact they did a wonderful work…

Die Tribute CD „Out of Sight“, zusammengestellt und veröffentlicht vom Portugiesen und Kopf der Band NU:N, Francisco Vaudeville, gibt es hier:


eine Erinnerung an Oliver Heuer auf Nahbesprechung ist hier zu finden:

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