Concert on the meadow in front of St. Lucia

Culture "for all" and free of charge

The words "culture connects" were painted by young people of the Elsdorfer Stadtjugendring on the container with tent and seating material of the village associations. Before that, Rudi Rüttgers, from the band Acoustic4u, smashed Hannes Wader's song "Good to be here again" on Friday, only with guitar at a considerable distance from his listeners. "I don't feel alone with my wishes, with my questions," it reads. To make others so, many have come to the concert on the meadow in front of the parish church of St. Lucia.

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Wolfgang Härtel wants to reach everyone in the live stream of the jam session

They play the Blues at the Kulturbahnhof Gleis 11

The coron editions in concert mode should not be the end of the jam session, at least when it comes to its founder. Wolfgang Härtel launched it in August 2007 with a concert in the then Thorr restaurant "Loher Eck". In response to the "dead scene" in the former district town of Bergheim, the jam session was meant at the time, he recalls.

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Kölsche Tön a la Steickmann/ Münzel in the Kulturbahnhof

First event of the BM-Cultura after Coronapause

"Elfie and I are the big losers," complained Andreas Münzel with a smile and toilet paper did not turn out to be a big investment either.With a collection of expressions about the cloth lobe that heats up the minds, Münzel soon ended the short Corona part of the program: "Schnutenpulli" from the Nordic, "Maultäschle" in Swabian or "Schwadlappe" in Kölschen.

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Not so bad: Accumulation of offices in the case of the Kohberg Orchestra

"Yes, they're squealing!"

Sometimes an accumulation of office is even an advantage. Dieter Kirchenbauer is the musical director of the summer concerts of the city of Elsdorf at the Forum Terra Nova. And at the same time, the man is busy anyway on the percussion guitar of the Kohberg Orchestra Cologne. Only in this way, for the sixth and final concert of the "Music with A View", he was able to present a selected treat of Cologne's way of life to the listeners, who had come to the open-air concert on the open-cast mine edge in large numbers.

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Brühler Milchbar celebrates 65th birthday in the open-air museum

Why cracks in the masonry are good

What actually became of the Brühler milk bar? We remember: on a warm night in August last year, the carefully groomed building made its way on a low-loader across the narrow Carl-Schurz-Straße to the open-air museum Kommern of the Rhineland Landscape Association.

What happened before: Blue moon in the milk bar and transport was about centimeters

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Analogue Birds chirp, buzz, crash at the water castle Geretzhoven

"As long as the breath lasts"

Like a relic from grey pre-life, Tom Fronza's meter-long didgeridoo rests in its singing bowl with the pickup. Behind the musicians themselves with their mouths on the horn, "as long as the breath lasts".He has his fingers on the buttons of a midi controller and the feet on the control unit for loopers and sequencers on the ground.A computer is used to synthesize all sounds.Pan flute, harp and an electronic drum like a tabla complete the setup.He first rehearsed the music as a one-man show, he later reveals.

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